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French presidential elections: 'People's primary' backs ex-minister as left unity candidate
French left holds ‘people’s primary’ in hopes of finding a unifying candidate • FRANCE 24
Fragmented French left rebuffs Hidalgo's call for single presidential challenger • FRANCE 24
French Presidential Elections
The French Presidential Elections of 2022: what they mean for France and for Europe
European Campaign? Macron mounts re-election bid amid French EU Presidency
Meet Tinder for the French Election
HNC Lecture: France’s Presidential Election: Campaign, Candidates, and What to Expect
What Does the French Election Mean For Students?
David Bell, Angèle Christin, Sophie Meunier and Ezra Suleiman - "French Presidential Election 2012"
French conservative Pécresse holds presidential rally
France: a phoenix from the ashes? - Bruno Cautrès